I love pumpkin spice coffee! In fact, I used to pull through the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through any time I was in the vicinity to get a large pumpkin spice coffee. So you can imagine how hard it was for me to break that habit once I found out how many artificial ingredients, additives and sugar…
Pumpkin Spice Breakfast Cake
Well, school is back in session, and summer is coming to a close. Here in Pennsylvania the days are still hot, but autumn is approaching. You know what that means, right? Pumpkin! Everything pumpkin flavored and scented makes its appearance. I love this season and eveything about it. Especially the pumpkin! However, as tempting as…
Antioxidants: What They Are and Why They Are Essential for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms
We hear so much about antioxidants these days. But what are they? Is this just another health fad that’s promoted by TV doctors to boost supplement sales? Well, actually no. Antioxidants are amazing molecules that have the power to neutralize free radicals. Wait…what?! OK. So free radicals are unstable molecules, which are missing an electron….
Super Simple DIY Popsicles
Well, summer is officially here. It’s hot, it’s humid, and the perfect time for a summer treat, like popsicles. Kids love popsicles! Growing up, my mom would buy us popsicles as a treat in the summer. Sometimes it was those red, white and blue rocket pops, sometimes it was fruit-flavored popsicles, and sometimes it was…
You CAN make your own baby food!
How many of you have walked out of the grocery store with an extra $50 or so tacked onto your weekly bill because you had to buy baby foods? I have. Then, as your child grows, there are stages 1, 2, 3 and “graduated” versions of foods marketed for toddlers. Unfortunately, the foods for toddlers…
Things I wish I knew before the postpartum period
After the birth of my first daughter I had no clue about the postpartum period. I mean, I had heard some things from friends, like the fact that I might bleed…down there….! Also, I heard that I would need breast pads, but other than that I really had no idea what it would be like….
Read more about Things I wish I knew before the postpartum period