I’m always looking for new recipes to try, and especially ones that my kids will eat.
Kid-Approved Warm Cocoa Without the Chemicals
Some days we just need a cup of hot cocoa. Actually, in my house, it’s “warm” cocoa, because I’m serving it to two toddlers and a five year old. Today, though was a good day for cocoa.
Why Do We Pressure New Moms to Lose Weight?
I remember trying on clothes about two months after the birth of my second daughter and feeling frustrated that nothing fit. I had been walking and was even doing short cardio workouts. I was trying to eat healthy foods. Yet, unlike the new celebrity mothers shown on magazine covers and TV shows and basically everywhere in the…
Stopping the Restriction Cycle and Starting to Nourish Yourself
Happy New Year! Now is the time of year when everyone is joining gyms, starting new weight-loss programs, feeling the pressure to slim down, “tone up”, and restrict portions and calories. Many people feel like they need to make amends for their dietary “transgressions” over the holidays, a thought which is encouraged by the media…
Read more about Stopping the Restriction Cycle and Starting to Nourish Yourself
Setting Wellness Goals for the New Year
With 2015 coming to a close, I have decided to set some wellness goals for 2016. I want to be more nurturing to myself, and work on improving my health. This doesn’t just include physical health, but mental and spiritual health too.
5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Still Enjoy the Holidays
So you’ve changed your eating habits and have been making healthier choices. You’ve been cutting back on sweets and processed foods, getting more movement into your day, and you’re starting to feel great. Then, the holiday season comes. First Halloween, with left over candy filling our pantries. Next, Thanksgiving comes, with an abundance of pies…
Read more about 5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Still Enjoy the Holidays