My goal is to help you understand the root causes of your symptoms, so that you can learn how to use nutrition and lifestyle to support your well being and feel better.

I use functional medicine tools and frameworks to obtain a clear picture of your story.
These tools help me to take a closer look at your antecedents, triggers and mediators.
These three words are functional medicine terms.
What does this mean?
- An·te·ced·ents: The things that are a “given”, such as genetics, age, family health history.
- Trig·gers: The experiences or things that ‘tipped the scales’ in your health, like antibiotics, accidents, traumas, and infections.
- Me·di·a·tors: The things you know that make you feel better or worse, such as processed foods, gluten, quality of sleep, prayer and meditation, and exercise.

Healing is not an overnight process – – it takes time. There are no “quick fixes” or one- size-fits-all protocols that will resolve everything. It may have taken some time for your body to get to the state that it’s in now, and it will take time for your body to heal.
Throughout our coaching partnership, I will be following a process of assessing, recommending and tracking.
Assess: Before our first session, you will fill out a comprehensive health history. This will allow me to start putting the pieces of your unique puzzle together. By looking at your health history, I can create a timeline of your health story.
I will ask a lot of questions, and work with you to collect information regarding your lifestyle and diet. This helps me to observe patterns, events that may have directly or indirectly triggered illness and health events.
Reccommend: As I gather more information about you and your situation I will make specific recommendations tailored for your unique body and situation.
Track: I will provide you with a private, online journal, where you will track your nutrition, symptoms, and bowel habits. We will be tracking your symptoms to determine if they are improving.